Nutrition for the Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

In this post, we will cover how our nutrition should change at different stages of the menstrual cycle.
Key points covered
- The impact the menstrual cycle has on performance and training
- What training is better for different phases of the menstrual cycle
- What foods are better to consume during different phases of the cycle
- Cravings and increased hunger during the luteal phase (PMS)
- Different vitamins and minerals, why they are necessary for women, and how they affect the body when menstruating
- Hormones circulate in the blood and travel all over the body, affecting a whole range of different functions, including your ability to train and recover, your metabolism, the fuel sources your body uses, your immune system, your sleep, and much more.
- Women, or people in general, tend to eat the same food regularly to save time and frustration. The different ratios of hormones during the cycle require changes in the diet and different nutritional and detoxification needs. Hormone imbalances can be caused by processed foods or inflammatory foods, for example, sugar and alcohol.
- It is common to feel less motivated and have lower energy levels during the luteal phase. Workouts such as yoga and pilates can relax the body and prepare it for higher intensity and strength training workouts during the follicular and ovulation phases.
Sections in the article
- What happens during the phases of the menstrual cycle?
- What impact does the menstrual cycle have in terms of training and performance?
- What to eat during each phase of the menstrual cycle?
- Why do I crave junk food before my period?
- Why do I feel more hungry before my period?
- What vitamins and minerals are essential during the menstrual cycle?
Download our guide: Menstrual Cycle Nutrition: What to eat on and off your period (includes a meal plan suggestion for each phase of your cycle).

What happens during the different phases of the menstrual cycle?
The menstrual cycle has four different phases.
- Early Follicular Phase (aka period): estrogen and progesterone are low as you shed your uterine lining.
- Late Follicular Phase: During the late follicular phase, estrogen and progesterone are on the rise, preparing for the release of the egg. This phase starts the day after your period has ended, estrogen levels are high when the uterus is building up a thicker inner lining that was shed during the last period.
The late follicular phase comes to an end at ovulation when estrogen peaks and testosterone and progesterone are on the rise (the egg is being released from the ovary).
Learn more about the Follicular Phase: Follicular Phase: What It Is and How it Impacts You

- Mid-Luteal Phase: The last phase is the luteal phase, where estrogen and progesterone levels are high. If the egg isn’t fertilized, hormone levels decrease and the menstrual cycle starts again.
- Late Luteal Phase (when PMS typically occurs)
Learn more about the Luteal Phase: Luteal Phase - What It Is and How It Impacts You

For more information about the phases of the menstrual cycle, see The Menstrual Cycle – phases, hormones, and their functions.
What impact does the menstrual cycle have in terms of training and performance?
Menstruation: During menstruation hormone levels are low which can result in cramps, joint and muscle pain, headaches, and low energy levels which have the potential to disrupt physical performance.
Some women perform unaffected and others experience stronger discomfort and lower performance, with a diet adapted to hormone levels it can be easier to train during this phase.
One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition noted that basal metabolic rate decreased during menstruation and then proceeded to decline to its lowest point one week before ovulation took place.
Follicular Phase: The research on this is a little mixed. In short, we need more extensive research studies to be conducted. However, some initial findings suggest that strength and ability to build muscle may be greater during the follicular phase when estrogen is the dominant hormone.
Due to increased insulin sensitivity and pain tolerance, this is considered a prime time for maximizing effort when strength training and/or performing high-intensity interval training workouts.
With energy levels at their highest, this is a good time to push yourself. Progesterone remains low and the body’s overall pain tolerance increases. During this phase, it’s a good time to strive for personal bests and overall total body strength training.
Luteal Phase: In the Luteal phase, the body temperature rises by at least 0.3 degrees Celsius after ovulation and remains high until menstruation. This means heat tolerance is reduced in the high-hormal phase, which could lead to earlier fatigue.
This effect could potentially be mitigated with heat acclimatization and adequate fluid intake. It is important to stay hydrated and keep cool when working out.
Other than that, this is a great time to continue making progress.
Late Luteal Phase: Endurance levels are lower than in previous phases and it can be harder to hit the same intensity or weights. If your body is feeling tired, opt for aerobic, low-impact activities as your primary exercise, for example, bike rides, swimming, and trail runs.
Water retention is common before menstruation, and changes to body mass can impact performance which can be important to remember in sports such as weight lifting and distance running.
During this phase, it can be helpful to schedule in rest days and choose workouts such as yoga and pilates to relax the body before menstruation.
Download our workout plan tailored for each phase of your cycle:

What to eat during each phase of the menstrual cycle?
Nutrition for the Early Follicular and Late Follicular Phase
Estrogen is known to reduce carbohydrate oxidation and increase free fatty acid availability. This means when estrogen levels are high, women tend to conserve glycogen stores and utilize more fat as fuel.
For longer endurance events (ultramarathons an example) this could potentially be beneficial. However this glycogen-sparing mode might make it more challenging to reach higher intensities. Supplemental carbohydrates are important in this phase.
In other words, if you are in a high hormone phase, you might find you need to take in a few extra carbohydrates to get a similar higher intensity performance as you would without supplemental carbohydrates in a low hormone phase, assuming all other conditions are equal.
On race day, this is important.
Progesterone promotes protein catabolism, so it’s a good time to ensure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Protein also supports faster muscle recovery after working out.
The recovery window is a lot tighter for women, as we return to basal metabolic rates within a few hours. For harder efforts or training of long duration, that 30-60 minute window to consume post-workout protein and carbohydrates is a lot more critical for women.
According to Dr. Khan (The Independent), digestive health is very important at this stage to support the production of these hormones.
She recommends probiotic-rich food (fermented foods, such as kimchi, yogurt, and kombucha), omega three fats (oily fish, nuts, and seeds), and a range of colored vegetables “to support the liver detoxification pathways”.
Bitter greens, such as rockets, help promote the production of digestive juice and enzymes. Vitamin B whole grains, such as brown rice, help support this energy production.
To add to this, your insulin sensitivity levels will be higher during this phase, so focus on higher carb phases or refeeds during intense, carb-depleting workouts. Your body will be more prone to using those carbs to fuel muscle gains.
These intense workouts, coupled with metabolism-enhancing refeeds, will also help to counteract the decline in your resting metabolic rate that takes place during this time.
To learn about what to eat during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, Click here
To learn about what to eat during the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, Click here
Check our article "Menstrual Cycle Food Chart" to learn more about what foods you should incorporate in each phase and associated benefits.

Nutrition for the Luteal Phase
Due to your insulin sensitivity now being at its lowest point and the fact you’ll be lowering the intensity of your workouts due to your high fatigability, you need to keep your carb intake under control.
With the higher metabolic rate and more moderate-paced exercise training, this is a prime time to opt for a lower carb, lower calorie phase to kick-start fat burning. Some women may also report feeling nauseated during this time due to PMS symptoms, so the decrease in food intake may be quite welcomed.
To help offset the decline in serotonin and calm those cravings for carbs, consider supplementing with tryptophan or eating foods rich in this amino acid such as turkey, skim milk, soybeans, or pumpkin seeds as they can help produce a natural spike in this neurotransmitter precursor.
Because the body prefers fat as a primary fuel source during this phase, opt for food high in ‘essential fats’ such as oily fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocado.
To learn about what to eat during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, Click here
Why do I crave junk food before my period?

A 2016 study suggests that changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone cause food cravings for high-carb and sweet foods before your period. Your body releases serotonin when eating starchy foods and sweets.
Serotonin is a chemical that boosts feelings of happiness, which can explain why eating bad foods make you feel better during PMS.
However, consuming bad foods can cause an imbalance in your hormones resulting in feeling worse and can stimulate more cravings.
Try to avoid ‘bad foods’ (treat yourself once in a while, it is important too), and focus on food that will give you energy, reduce bloating and keep you hydrated.
Why do I feel more hungry before my period?
Your ‘maintenance calories’ will change during the menstrual cycle as the body’s temperature increases and so does the basic metabolic rate.
Often women feel less hungry in the follicular phase and the early stages of the ovulation phase. The hunger mirrors the levels of progesterone, when progesterone is at its highest in the luteal phase it is recommended to consume more calories.
If fat loss or weight loss is the goal, this is the prime time for fat burning.
What vitamins and minerals are essential during the menstrual cycle?
Women often don’t have enough zinc in their diet. Zinc helps to support the immune system, essential for hormone synthesis, recovery, adaptation, and repair. Zinc can be found in red meat, poultry, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.
It is important to hit your daily protein requirements. Protein is essential to help with recovery and adaptation to training. Protein can be found in animal products such as red meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy. It can also be found in broccoli, legumes, and whole grains.
B vitamins
Essential for maintaining health, supporting metabolism, regulating menstrual flow, growth and development, and red blood cell development. B vitamins can be found in red meat, seeds, nuts, legumes, and fruits.
Women often eat less iron than men and lose iron through menstruation, increasing their susceptibility to deficiency. Iron is essential for red blood cell development and many other factors involved in health and well-being. Iron can be found in beans and legumes, red meat, and dark green leafy vegetables.
A key mineral that helps with bone health and muscle contraction. It should be consumed alongside vitamin D. Calcium can be found in dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and soya beans.
In this article, we have given general guidelines on what to eat and how to exercise during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
This information can be very useful and it is important to understand what your body needs during these phases. However, it is important to remember that every woman is different and so are our cycles.

Ben Greenfield Fitness. The Underground Guide To Planning Your Exercise Around Your Menstruation Cycle.
Joanna Whitehead. Make the most of menstruation: when and how to exercise and eat to feel your best at each stage of your cycle, The Independent (2019).
Adrienne Santos Longhurst. Why You Want to Eat All the Things Before Your Period,
Healthline (2020).
Paddy. The Menstrual Cycle Metabolism and Performance, Triage Method (2017)
National Institute of Health. Zinc. NIH (Updated 2020).
Teresa Cheong. Vitamin B: Best Food Sources and Signs of Deficiency, Health X Change.
Caroline Kaufman. Foods to fight Iron deficiency, Eat Right (2020).
The NHS. Calcium: vitamins and minerals, NHS.