Agnese Fronia

PCOS Researcher & Specialist

Battling hormonal imbalances manifested in symptoms like irregular periods, acne, weight gain, hair loss, and anxiety, I experienced the struggles these imbalances bring. A lengthy journey to a PCOS diagnosis inspired me to support and educate women with PCOS, advocating for menstrual and psychological well-being as I believe true health embraces all aspects of a woman's life.



Agnese Fronia is PCOS Specialist and Women’s Health Advocate with an academic background in Pharmacological Medicine and Mental Health. Her expertise in this field is further complemented by her certifications as a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and mindfulness teacher. This enables me to provide a holistic approach to women's health.

Through careful analysis and assessment, she creates a personalised treatment plan that addresses your specific hormonal imbalance. I focus on implementing lifestyle modifications that align with your unique needs, are sustainable and ensure lasting results.


  • Hormonal Imbalances and PCOS
  • Irregular Period and Anovulation
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Digestive Disorders and Bloating
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleep Disturbances, Fatigue, and Brain Fog
  • Low Libido
  • Hormonal Acne, Hair Loss and Inflammation
  • Weight gain and Cravings
  • Hair Loss

What to Expect When Working With Agnese

Her programs are tailored to your individual needs, designed to help you understand your emotional and psychological needs and how they are connected to your food cravings, weight gain, lack of sleep, stress and low mood. She takes a comprehensive approach, focusing on supporting various systems in the body, from the endocrine system to the immune system and gut health. By addressing these interconnected systems, She aims to restore hormonal balance and promote overall well-being.

Comprehensive Assessment

You Fill out a detailed questionnaire covering your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle habits, and previous treatments. This helps identify underlying factors contributing to your hormonal imbalances and enables me to create a personalized treatment plan.

Initial Consultation

TIn a 60-90 minute call, we will discuss your health history, symptoms, and goals. Together, we will explore strategies to address your hormonal imbalances and improve your well-being, setting the stage for a collaborative partnership.

Personalized Action Plan

Based on our assessment and consultation, I will provide you with a tailored treatment plan. This plan may include lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, stress management techniques, and targeted supplements or referrals if needed. I will guide you through each step to ensure the plan fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and helps you achieve your health goals.