Do You Remember Your First Period? - 10 First Period Stories

Here are 10 first period stories shared by women from our wonderful Elara Care Global community

First period stories: Story 1

I got my first period the summer going into 7th grade, I was 12. I was hoping that somehow I never got my period, that it would just skip me.

I was wearing white Bermuda shorts when I got it (2007 am I right???) and was crying nonstop.

I ran to my mom and screamed “I WISH I WAS A MAN” to which she replied, “No you don’t, scarier things come out of penises.

First period stories: Story 2

My first period was the day I turned 13, also the day Michael Jackson died. I was at my dad’s house and honest to god I thought I was shitting myself because the blood was brown.

I kept wiping myself up and eventually stuffed toilet paper in my underwear to act as a diaper. I called my mom from my bedroom and she had to call my dad for me because I was too embarrassed to share!

He then had to make a 30min trip out to Walmart to pick up pads and tampons for me and awkwardly deliver them to my bedroom door! 😂😭👌🏻

Elara Care: Did you know a lack of access to sanitary protection due to financial constraints is a serious issue that affects 1 in 10 women around the globe? This is known as Period poverty<<<  Click here to learn more

First period stories: Story 3

I got my first period when I was 12 on the bus. I was so unprepared because I went through puberty so much earlier.

At 8 years old I was already trying to shave (i cut myself badly lol). The only thing I was missing was my period, so I thought maybe I was one of those girls who just wouldn’t get one. Turns out I was just underweight due to not eating enough and playing basketball on top of that.

My mom threw a pad at me and said “Bye gotta go to work” Then my grandma called and said “Congrats on becoming a woman” I said “Haha I’ve been a woman

First period stories: Story 4

I got my first period the summer between 4th and 5th grade I was 9.

I woke up to blood all over my sheets with no idea what was going on and the only person home was my grandfather.

He freaked and called my mom immediately to come to pick me up from my dad’s house.

Elara Care: Did you know that there are many misconceptions and myths about Tampons? <<<  Click here to learn more

First period stories: Story 5

I got my first period at 13. My family and I were having breakfast with another family and I went to the bathroom. My sister came with me.

I thought I pooped myself and had my sister run to get my mom.

She was so happy, she announced it at the table when we got back 😳

First period stories: Story 6

I got my first period when I was 12. For three days I didn’t even know what was happening to me.

I knew what a period was, but it wasn’t what I expected and I thought I was having accidents or that something was wrong with me, so I hid it.

Elara Care: How to Tell If  You Have a Heavy Period? <<< Click here to find out

First period stories: Story 7

I wasn’t expecting brown blood and hid it for three days because what 12-year-old poops themselves??

I always assumed I was alone in that, but apparently, it’s a very common thing!

First period stories: Story 8

I got my first period when I was 8 years old in class, not knowing I bleed on a chair.

After class, my male teacher told me to learn how to clean up after myself.

I had no idea what was going on. I cried at home and begged not to go back to school.

Elara Care: Can you get pregnant on your period? <<< Click here to find out

First period stories: Story 9

I woke up on a weekend morning with blood in my panties.

I was embarrassed to tell my family but excited to tell my friends.

The first “person” I told was my dog, Cinnamon.

Elara Care: Why exactly are you experiencing pain during your period? Is it normal? <<<  Click here to find out

First period stories: Story 10

I was home alone on vacation. I was a little scared but mostly excited to call my mom and share the news.

And by the end of the call, I just started crying for no reason!

Later, I got some balloons from my godparents with a Snoopy congratulations card.

I actually felt embarrassed that my mom told people. Now I get it.

What is your first-period story?

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